Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Today's topic is about health and fitness. I forgot to mention that English is not my first language so I apologize if something is not clear, just write a comment below and I'll try to explain ok?. So, as in my previous post, I'm going to start by saying that I am not a professional bodybuilder or anything like it. Yet, I've always had this passion for sports, staying in shape. I love being able to get my body to look the way I want and not just accepting that my body is a certain way because I am cursed or something (which I've known lots of people that think this way). In order to be able to do this, you first need to know how the body works and respond to certain things like training and nutrition.
Now, as I said before I am not a bodybuilder of fitness model or anything like that. This means that I have a life like everyone else, I go out at night, I work, I study, I have my "cheat meals" and I even have some drinks now and then. I make sure though, that for the most part of the week I take healthy decisions when it comes to eating. With this lifestyle and with 24 years old I weight about 86 Kg, 1,80 mts in height and my body fat is somewhere around 12%.
I've been training for about 10 years now. Of course when I started out I didn't know anything about how this thing worked, I used to hit the gym and that's it. The thing is, lots of people do that for years without wondering why hasn't their body changed, why cant they gain some muscle mass on their bodies. I have been reading a lot about training and dieting for the last 10 years and here I am now trying to share some of my knowledge to save you some time haha.
So, today I am going to go with the basics. Fist of, loosing weight and gaining muscle is not only about hitting the gym hard and you are done, this might work at first because you go from doing nothing to actually exercising and burning calories. However, after some time doing this you are going to notice that you are no longer loosing fat nor building muscle. This is because you probably haven't changed your eating habits much.
I like to think that nutrition is 80% if not more when it comes to transforming your body. Training will be the other 20% leaving the supplementation as an extra thing.
When you hear the word diet you probably are thinking: ohh man do I really need to starve? .. Let me tell you its absolutely the opposite. I see so much people following generic diets that somebody told them its great or they read about them on the internet. I just cant believe it, those diets are NOT HEATHY, those diets do work in the short term just because most of them are low on calories. You ARE going to starve with this diets, and yeah you are going to loose some weight. BUT, when you drop the diet and you start eating as you normally do (because you don't want to starve for the rest of your life do yo?) you are going to get fat again, probably fatter than you were.
So what you need to do is actually very simple. You need to EAT MORE FREQUENTLY. Yes, you are actually going to eat more. But you are going to eat the right food at the right times ok? The normal thing for regular people is to eat 4 times a day right? well you are going to add in a pre-workout meal and a post-workout meal. That makes it about 6 meals a day at least. What you need to do is eat smaller portions of food every 2-3 hours. That way you will keep a high metabolism. Think about it this way: we humans are survivors right? So our body stores fat in order to have somewhere where to take the energy in case we cannot find any food for some days. Everything has evolved except our digestive system. Our body doesn't know that you can have a burger anytime you want. So by eating frequently, your body its going to get used to getting the fuel it needs throughout the day and wont find it necessary to store fat. (I hope I'm being clear haha).
Now lets talk about WHAT you have to eat, cus you know you wont loose any fat if you are eating junk food every 2-3 hours haha. Lets go over the 3 Macronutrients: Protein, Carbs and Fats.
Protein is what you need to eat most ok? it prevents muscle catabolism, aids recovery, raises your metabolism and can even be an energy source in some cases. You need to get about 1 - 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, divided into the 6-7 meals you are going to have.
Carbs are going to be your primary energy source. Try to get the complex type of carbohydrates ok? simple carbs might work for hard gainers but usually you want to stick with the complex. This is because simple carbs spike your insulin levels and that ends up storing fat. Some examples of complex carbohydrates are: sweat potato, wheat bread, brown rice and oats. Keep fruits to a minimum, if you want to eat them try to have them with your breakfast or your pre and post workout meals. The amount of carbs varies depending on the persons somatotype (will talk about this on future posts) and how active you are during the day besides training. So, I would suggest to test yourself, start by taking the same amount as you take of protein, you check how it affects you in a few weeks and then consider if you have to increase them or decrease them.
Fats are also very important. Good fats of course, such as olive oil, nuts, egg yolks and avocado. Aids with hormone production and can actually aid in fat loss. However, dont exceed them because fats have more calories than protein or carbs. Start with about 0.5g of fat per pound of body weight.
Get this 3 Macros on check and you will already have your daily calories on check. After these you have the micronutrients which are essentially the vitamins. You might consider taking a multivitamin supplement for these.
Don't forget to drink water. Stay hydrated! Water aids fat loss too and definitely improves your performance.
So, today I talked a lot about nutrition cus as I said before, its the 80% or more of this whole deal. Want to transform your body, try my suggestions, these are the basics, I'll be posting a lot more in the future. Tomorrow I'll go a bit over how to train ok? Hope this is helpful. Thanks for your time. Bye for now!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Ok, I'd like to start by saying I don't consider myself to be a professional artist, at least not just yet haha. I have been studying animation for about 5 years now and that's why I decided to make my fist post about this. On the first years of study I went over all of the artistic areas that animation involves such as drawing, character design, illustration, 3D modelling, rigging, story boarding, 2D and 3D animation and some etc haha. So, I'd like to give you guys some advises and tips on how to get involved in this amazing industry, take them, leave them, I just want to share my knowledge based on my experiences ok? :). You can check out my website if you like so you can see my portfolio www.maxikeller.com , you will notice that as I said before, I am not a professional artist... yet :p... but I'm working on that :).
So, here we go. First thing when deciding if you want to be an artist or not is really thinking if you love it, I guess this is true for everything else too, but lets just keep it on the art subject haha. Along my years as a student, and even at work, I've encountered lots of people that got into this because they think its easy and that they'll make money for doing almost nothing. Honestly these are lazy people as I see it. See, it takes a whole lot of time to master the skills in order to be able to meet deadlines. Not only that, but the artistic path is one in which you will never stop learning. I can truly say that every new drawing, every animation or illustration I make teaches me something new.
I believe animation is the ultimate art form, specially hand drawn animation. Its process involves every single art form there is out there, resulting in those amazing images we see at the movies at 24 frames a second. Just Amazing.
Ok, Im feeling like I have so much to say about this that I will definitely forget something in the way haha. Anyhow I want to keep this short but still communicate my ideas in the best way possible :)
Lets just jump into some things you can do to start getting into this world.
1. Love it! (and be sure of it)
2. Start drawing. Many people think that drawing is a skill that you are born with... BS! nobody is born knowing stuff. The thing is that, these people that are amazingly cool at drawing, they drew a lot when they were kids. Of course when you are a kid you absorb knowledge almost like a sponge, so that is what makes this people so amazing at what they do. However, this does not mean that if you haven't done any drawing before the age of 15 you can forget about becoming an artist. NO! you can learn this craft ok? of course its going to take more time for you and you are going to go through times where you start doubting if you have chosen the right path and all that. I've been there, I was one of those guys that never drew before until the day I decided be an animator. I was fortunate to have one friend that kept me motivated and taught me a lot of what I know today, He was one of this guys that seemed to have magic skills with his pencils.
So the point is, if you love it, believe in it and keep pushing against the odds. And always stay motivated, stay hungry for more. I do recommend you take a look into Stephen Silver's YouTube videos, he does an amazing job keeping everyone motivated, not only artists. Stephen Silver is an amazing artist from whom I learnt a lot too, great style and great designs.
3. Learn the basics. Try a little of everything. In animation, as I said before, there are lots of areas in where you can specialize. Try to learn a little bit from everyone of them. This should help you find the right one for you, the one that you enjoy the most. I.d suggest to look for online tutorials, youtube is a great source for this. There are of course paid tutorials too if you don't mind spending some money at this point.
If you rather go to college and wait for the tutors to teach you all the stuff that's fine. Be concious that most of the art schools (at least in the US) ask for a portfolio in order to be accepted into their programs. This is one of the reasons why you should start drawing as soon as possible. I might write something about arts chools in the future :)
4. Decide what you are going to focus on. Pick your favorite area and work your ass off to be the best at what you do. Ok, you probably wont be the best because there's always someone better than you haha but you should try to be the best ok? it should feel like you are giving your best.
5. Find someone that can guide you and give you critiques. It is good to get critiques from everyone, but sometimes this can be quite confusing and of course not everyone has an artistic eye. So, try to find someone that at least knows what he is talking about. Good critique can help a great deal on your learning process.
6. Figure Drawing!! yes, figure drawing is something that will help you in everything as an artist. Some people think that this is no longer needed because 2D animation is "dying" (its not its taking a break). They couldn't be more wrong. drawing the human figure from the inside out works on your ability to observe and understand what is in front of you. You will learn things about the human body and locomotion that you would never even think about it if you were not practicing this.
7. Never forget the basics, don't rush it. everything has its time. I've seen tons of people trying so hard to get a character to move and act believably when they have never animated a bouncing ball before!! nor they have a clue about how the body mechanics work. How would you expect to get it right?
8. Show your stuff online. Create a blog or website, share your stuff on social networks. That way you will get critiques and you'll start catching some attention.
9. When you are ready, get your stuff together into a portfolio or demo reel. Try to get a job, there's a great chance you'll have to work your ass from the bottom up but I assure you will learnt a lot in the way.
10. Keep working on personal projects, stay hungry for more! Remember you'll never stop learning.
Ok that's pretty much what I came up with right now. I hope is useful for some of you at least. Probably I'm missing some things hahah I'll post again if something else comes into mind.
And as John Lasseter said: "If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life."
Thank you for your time guys! :)
So, here we go. First thing when deciding if you want to be an artist or not is really thinking if you love it, I guess this is true for everything else too, but lets just keep it on the art subject haha. Along my years as a student, and even at work, I've encountered lots of people that got into this because they think its easy and that they'll make money for doing almost nothing. Honestly these are lazy people as I see it. See, it takes a whole lot of time to master the skills in order to be able to meet deadlines. Not only that, but the artistic path is one in which you will never stop learning. I can truly say that every new drawing, every animation or illustration I make teaches me something new.
I believe animation is the ultimate art form, specially hand drawn animation. Its process involves every single art form there is out there, resulting in those amazing images we see at the movies at 24 frames a second. Just Amazing.
Ok, Im feeling like I have so much to say about this that I will definitely forget something in the way haha. Anyhow I want to keep this short but still communicate my ideas in the best way possible :)
Lets just jump into some things you can do to start getting into this world.
1. Love it! (and be sure of it)
2. Start drawing. Many people think that drawing is a skill that you are born with... BS! nobody is born knowing stuff. The thing is that, these people that are amazingly cool at drawing, they drew a lot when they were kids. Of course when you are a kid you absorb knowledge almost like a sponge, so that is what makes this people so amazing at what they do. However, this does not mean that if you haven't done any drawing before the age of 15 you can forget about becoming an artist. NO! you can learn this craft ok? of course its going to take more time for you and you are going to go through times where you start doubting if you have chosen the right path and all that. I've been there, I was one of those guys that never drew before until the day I decided be an animator. I was fortunate to have one friend that kept me motivated and taught me a lot of what I know today, He was one of this guys that seemed to have magic skills with his pencils.
So the point is, if you love it, believe in it and keep pushing against the odds. And always stay motivated, stay hungry for more. I do recommend you take a look into Stephen Silver's YouTube videos, he does an amazing job keeping everyone motivated, not only artists. Stephen Silver is an amazing artist from whom I learnt a lot too, great style and great designs.
3. Learn the basics. Try a little of everything. In animation, as I said before, there are lots of areas in where you can specialize. Try to learn a little bit from everyone of them. This should help you find the right one for you, the one that you enjoy the most. I.d suggest to look for online tutorials, youtube is a great source for this. There are of course paid tutorials too if you don't mind spending some money at this point.
If you rather go to college and wait for the tutors to teach you all the stuff that's fine. Be concious that most of the art schools (at least in the US) ask for a portfolio in order to be accepted into their programs. This is one of the reasons why you should start drawing as soon as possible. I might write something about arts chools in the future :)
4. Decide what you are going to focus on. Pick your favorite area and work your ass off to be the best at what you do. Ok, you probably wont be the best because there's always someone better than you haha but you should try to be the best ok? it should feel like you are giving your best.
5. Find someone that can guide you and give you critiques. It is good to get critiques from everyone, but sometimes this can be quite confusing and of course not everyone has an artistic eye. So, try to find someone that at least knows what he is talking about. Good critique can help a great deal on your learning process.
6. Figure Drawing!! yes, figure drawing is something that will help you in everything as an artist. Some people think that this is no longer needed because 2D animation is "dying" (its not its taking a break). They couldn't be more wrong. drawing the human figure from the inside out works on your ability to observe and understand what is in front of you. You will learn things about the human body and locomotion that you would never even think about it if you were not practicing this.
7. Never forget the basics, don't rush it. everything has its time. I've seen tons of people trying so hard to get a character to move and act believably when they have never animated a bouncing ball before!! nor they have a clue about how the body mechanics work. How would you expect to get it right?
8. Show your stuff online. Create a blog or website, share your stuff on social networks. That way you will get critiques and you'll start catching some attention.
9. When you are ready, get your stuff together into a portfolio or demo reel. Try to get a job, there's a great chance you'll have to work your ass from the bottom up but I assure you will learnt a lot in the way.
10. Keep working on personal projects, stay hungry for more! Remember you'll never stop learning.
Ok that's pretty much what I came up with right now. I hope is useful for some of you at least. Probably I'm missing some things hahah I'll post again if something else comes into mind.
And as John Lasseter said: "If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life."
Thank you for your time guys! :)
Sunday, October 26, 2014
This site was created with the purpose of sharing stuff. From things like art creations, tips, fitness and health information. Basically a bit of all the things that I love doing. I hope these things can help, inspire, motivate or at least entertain you guys.
Thank you for coming by!
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